Get Rid Of Acne Now

Are you struggling with mild to severe acne? Learn everything you need to know about why your acne is occurring and how to get rid of your acne now.

If you are struggling with recurring and incessant pimples, you are not alone. Acne is one of the most common skin issues, affecting around 50 million people in the United States per year. It can be incredibly hard to deal with, especially if the acne is painful, long-lasting, or spreading to different areas of your body. Fortunately, there are ways you can get rid of acne now and maintain a clear and healthy complexion. Follow along to learn what acne is, the different types of acne, the common reasons for acne, when you should see a dermatologist, what medications a doctor or dermatologist may prescribe, and excellent treatments you can do at home. 

What Is Acne?

Acne is a skin condition occurring when your pores clog with oil, dead skin cells, dirt, and bacteria. In healthy skin, your sebaceous oil glands produce sebum, and the sebum moves to the surface of your skin through the pores. This substance moisturizes and protects your skin. Likewise, old and dry skin cells will also rise to the surface of the pores. In some cases, the skin cells stick together which prevents the skin cells from rising to the surface and the sebum from escaping. When this occurs, it becomes an excellent place for bacteria to spread. This process is what causes pimples or acne. 

Types of Acne

Many individuals suffer from only one kind of acne, while others deal with multiple types of acne at the same time. There are six main types of acne

  • Blackheads: Blackheads are clogged pores that reach the surface of the skin and open up. They are black or dark brown in appearance. 
  • Whiteheads: Whiteheads are clogged pores that cannot reach the surface of the skin. They typically produce a white bump, although be careful not to confuse whiteheads with milia, trapped keratin beneath the skin. Whiteheads contain pus. 
  • Papules: Papules are often referred to as underground pimples. They are pink pumps that are slightly painful to touch. 
  • Pimples: Pimples are papules that have a white or yellow head, indicating they are filled with pus. 
  • Nodules: Nodules are large, hard, or rigid papules that are often painful. 
  • Cystic Acne: Severe nodules that originate deep below the skin and are filled with pus. 

Reasons for Acne

Acne occurs because the pores are not able to excrete oils and debris properly. However, the reasons that this occurs can vary from person to person, and the severity to which it occurs can also be unique. Depending on your body and your skin, you may have a simple and straightforward underlying cause or more complex causes. Most individuals who suffer from acne find solutions by looking at one or a few of the following:

  • Age: Teenagers and young adults are more prone to acne. During puberty, hormone levels increase which stimulates the oil glands. The increased oil production may cause acne. 
  • Hormones: When people have higher levels of hormones or fluctuating hormones, they may have acne. This is one of the main reasons behind teenage acne, acne during menstruation, and acne during pregnancy or menopause. 
  • Family History: If individuals have a family history of acne, they may be more likely to develop it. 
  • Medications: Certain medications may cause acne, especially medications that contain hormones or cause hormone fluctuations.
  • Allergies: Many people who are allergic to certain foods may find their acne flares up if they consume those products. Individuals with food sensitivities or digestive issues may also develop acne. 
  • Skin Care Products: Certain products may clog your pores, leading to acne. Common culprits include moisturizers, sunscreens, toners, and makeup products.
  • Hygiene: Many individuals do not know how to care for their skin properly. Although they may be washing their face and body, they may not be using the right products, in the right order, or in a regular occurrence. 
  • Stress: Stress can influence hormones and increase oil production leading to acne. Prolonged stress can also change the way the body deals with certain processes. 

When Should You See A Dermatologist for Acne?

Dermatologists are experts in skin conditions and skincare. They evaluate your acne and prescribe an effective treatment to help clear your acne and keep your skin issues under control. Make an appointment with a local dermatologist if:

  • You have nodules or cystic acne 

  • Your acne takes a long time to heal

  • You suffer from multiple types of acne 

  • Your acne is getting worse or spreading

  • Your acne is affecting your mental health 

  • You believe your acne is caused by medications or allergies

  • You have tried at-home treatments but they do not work

What Medications Can You Take for Acne?

When you visit a doctor or dermatologist for acne assessments and treatments, you may be prescribed one of these popular, effective acne medications

  • Antibiotics: When individuals suffer from cystic acne, they may need antibiotics to reduce and eliminate the bacteria. These are usually short-term prescriptions of tetracycline or macrolide. They may also prescribe a topical azelaic acid which is an antibiotic cream or gel. 
  • Contraceptives: Some doctors and dermatologists will prescribe young women progestin and estrogen contraceptive pills. This helps regulate hormones. 
  • Isotretinoin: If acne is particularly resistant to treatment, doctors may prescribe this vitamin A derivative. 
  • Retinoids: Retinoids are often the first line of defense for moderate to severe acne. They may come in cream or gel form, applied directly to the skin. It helps to eliminate clogged pores. 
  • Salicylic Acid: Salicylic acid is a cream or gel applied directly to the skin. It can help prevent clogged pores. 

What Are Excellent At-Home Treatments for Acne?

If you have blackheads, whiteheads, papules, or pimples, you may prefer to try an at-home treatment. You may also benefit from at-home treatments if you have mild acne, occasional acne, or non-painful acne. The best at-home treatments are:

  • Products with Benzoyl Peroxide: Gels and creams with benzoyl peroxide can help unclog pores and kill bacteria. It may be particularly helpful if you have oily skin.
  • Products with Salicylic Acid: Face washes, gels, and creams with salicylic acid can help prevent clogged pores. 
  • Products with Alpha Hydroxy Acids: Hydroxy acids help remove dead skin cells and reduce inflammation in papules and pimples.
  • Pore Clearing Strips: Blackhead and pore-clearing strips can be effective in cleaning pores. It is important to follow up with face washing and moisturizer. 
  • Makeup Removing Pads: Makeup removing pads can help remove pore-clogging lotions, sunscreens, and makeup at the end of the day. 
  • Toners with Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid: If you have mild to moderate acne, toners can help balance your skin. You may benefit from extra additives from benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to kill bacteria and prevent clogged pores.